Academic Program

Primary School Program: grade 1 - grade 6

In primary school, the International Primary Curriculum is one of our key tools for learning and producing 21st-century learners. In other subjects at ISI, learning targets are aligned to either AERO Common Core Plus standards & benchmarks or the Icelandic curriculum standards. Emphasis is placed on meeting students at their academic and developmental levels and stimulating them to progress at an appropriate pace.

We are proud to offer two programs for students in grades 1-6. The English Stream program is intended for families whose parents have been temporarily assigned to work in Iceland by an embassy, business or university; typically, these families live in Iceland for 3 years or fewer. The Bilingual Steam program is intended for students who live in Iceland on a permanent basis or for an undetermined length of time. Please refer to our Admissions section for further information.

The Primary School Program of study includes English, Icelandic (bilingual program only), mathematics, thematic units from the International Primary Curriculum, gym, swimming, art, music, theater, design, coding, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics).

Students in the English Stream take an Icelandic Language/Culture class. The purpose of this course is to give students insight into the host country in which they are living (Iceland) as well as to introduce them to the language. We place importance on interpersonal communication skills and basic vocabulary, not academic Icelandic.

Middle Years Program: Grade 7 - 10: International Baccalaureate

The International School of Iceland is an authorized IB World School, and offers the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) to students in grades seven to ten. In joining the International Baccalaureate program, ISI connects with and shares common goals with IB teachers and coordinators who develop and promote the IB’s curricula in almost 5,000 schools globally, in over 150 countries around the world (

Key Terms at ISI

International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
AERO Common Core Plus
Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP)
Positive Discipline
Icelandic National Curriculum
International Baccalaureate (IB)
European Council of International Schools (ECIS)
Office of Overseas Schools

The Learning Support Team

The Learning Support Team looks for appropriate programs and resources to provide support to students, staff, and parents. The committee provides an effective procedure for identifying students in need of additional support. Members include the head of school, Learning Support Coordinator, and other staff members. The committee is responsible for:

  • Policies regarding students in need of additional support and other matters that affect student well-being, eg. the Anti-bullying Action Plan
  • Services provided, including counseling and personalized learning plans
  • Identification and assessments
  • Program delivery and accountability
  • Parent-school relationships
  • Evaluations

If you would like to contact the committee, please e-mail: